Your Life Is The Message

As Christian professionals with a love for the people and a commitment to professional excellence, we seek to provide holistic care to those we serve with the hope that they will, in turn, be enabled to help others.

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MSI 30th Anniversary

MSI continues to provide service opportunities in China, allowing those with professional skills, experience and passion to serve the communities in China or their home countries. We are grateful that all our colleagues are able to continue to minister in various projects in both remote rural areas and urban cities. We are grateful to our supporters who have been encouraging and journeying with us.

At first we could fit in my living room. Just adding a few stools and squeezing slender bodies together on the couch made room for the village school-assistance students. With a little creativity we could play games, tell stories, enjoy snacks and encourage them to “hang in there” even when things at school were difficult. But soon, even the large, combined, dining-living room space in my teammate’s apartment was too small. We had to find another place where we could hold our regular monthly activities.
The private kindergarten near the market let us use their outdoor space, but the weather was unpredictable and folks from the neighborhood peering through the gate made us feel like we were in a zoo. We tried renting the lobby area of a nearby hotel. That sheltered us from sun and rain, but did little to guard us from the stares of the curious. What else could we try? Not exactly hopeful, I decided to ask Director Zhao for a suggestion. To my surprise, he knew of a place.
Just up the road from the Foreign Aided Project Management Office was the Health Bureau Office compound. Since they seldom worked on Sundays, Director Zhao was pretty sure we could use their large meeting room. Then, besides arranging everything, he even gave me the key for easy access when he was out of town.
So, month after month under the red Party flags spread across the stage area, we gathered in that spacious room. How convenient! Not only nearby, it was also already set up with tables, chairs and electrical outlets. Tucked away in the corner of an enclosed building with a courtyard, it was perfect for active games outdoors and reflective sharing times inside.
Sometimes, when the students were singing a praise song, listening to a story or working on a poster to show their ideas, I stood back in wonder. What blessings our team had been given—a welcome by the Meigu government, space to work in the Foreign Aided Project Management Office, a man of peace to open opportunities, local colleagues to help us and now a meeting room to hold student activities. God’s provision was so much more that we could have ever imagined or thought!

Wanda K

A Meigu Story

Long-term Workers

Short-term Volunteers

Service Sites

專業服務破傳統,心意更新而變化, 朋友家人是後盾,耶和華以勒 海內外友守望頻,禱告勇士常記念


Sharon’s poem is a beautiful and moving reflection on her nearly thirty years of service on the field. She uses a variety of God’s names to express her gratitude for His many blessings in her life.

艱難彰顯主信實,恩典夠用化險境, 忍耐老練生盼望,耶和華沙瑪


Sharon’s poem is a beautiful and moving reflection on her nearly thirty years of service on the field. She uses a variety of God’s names to express her gratitude for His many blessings in her life.

盡心竭力小事做,聖靈引導與庇佑, 撒種收割主成就,耶和華齊根努


Sharon’s poem is a beautiful and moving reflection on her nearly thirty years of service on the field. She uses a variety of God’s names to express her gratitude for His many blessings in her life.

合一服侍做主僕,忘記背後奔標杆, 靠主持守始至終,阿拉法俄梅嘎


Sharon’s poem is a beautiful and moving reflection on her nearly thirty years of service on the field. She uses a variety of God’s names to express her gratitude for His many blessings in her life.

Latest Stories from our Bulletins



We give thanks to God for his grace in MSI’s 30th years of history and service. Thousands of people, and dozens of projects and sites, have come and gone.



I began my presidency during COVID, arriving in Hong Kong on 1 June 2020 to an empty office. During the next few years, I was a privileged front-row witness of God’s sovereignty.

MSI 30th anniversary 2015-2020 sharing

MSI 30th anniversary 2015-2020 sharing

As with the other sections in MSI’s history, we witnessed many significant events and changes during this five-year period, 2015 through 2019. I shall list a few of the major events as well as share a few reflections.