MSI 30th anniversary 2015-2020 sharing

By David L

As with the other sections in MSI’s history, we witnessed many significant events and changes during this five-year period, 2015 through 2019. I shall list a few of the major events as well as share a few reflections.
• Ken Chow* and Richard Chen both passed away.
• Po Kee Cheung and Hui Kheng Ang each completed their service (over ten years) in the Executive Director for International Mobilisation and Executive Director for Professional Services roles, respectively.
• We purchased the Yunnan Chief Representative office.
• In 2016, Joseph and Lori Chang completed their move to Hong Kong, bringing a new dynamic to the team.
• We began exploring new ways for registration and service.
• Focused field-led prayer was initiated as we prepared for transition.
• We experienced God’s mercy and grace in the successful registration of the Yunnan and Sichuan Chief Representative offices.
• We began using “stages of the work” as a guide to plan and evaluate our service.
• Our ministry partners registered their first missional business.
• We began partnership with a local NGO incubator.
• We further developed our ministry partnerships.
• The Youth Centre officially closed.
• Our two very experienced chief representatives, Tomoko Nishina and Nancy Shen, retired.
• MSI marked our 25th year anniversary.
• Our local interns and staff attended provincial and field strategy meetings.
• Joyce Lau was confirmed as fourth MSI president!
• December 2019 – start of COVID.

*Former Chief Representative in Chengdu

Personal reflections:
In the absence of a gifted leader, there is greater need for a strong team. We had very good teams during these five years. Deep heartfelt thanks to our field teams (led mostly by Tomoko and Nancy) during that time of major transition. Our leadership team of Joseph and Lori Chang, Joshua and Margaret Kim, TK Ho, Daniel Leung, and later Dr. Edward Sitt, workedwell together in Hong Kong, helping Vivian and me gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for all that God was doing through the MSI community. The Hong Kong office team was very significant, not just as support, but truly as an integral part of the ministry.

Of course, the regional centres powered our mobilisation efforts, an integral part of all that MSI is about.

Indigenisation, an ongoing process, continued to develop as a critical aspect of MSI’s growth.

A special thanks to Matthew Koh and Hui Kheng Ang. Matthew spent hours helping me understand the ethos, values, and history of MSI. Hui Kheng told me countless stories to illustrate the principles which Matthew shared.

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