MSI Professional Services Privacy Policy Statement (PPS)
MSI Professional Services (“the Organisation”) respects personal data and is committed to complying with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance issued by the HKSAR in the relevant places of business operations.
Kinds of Personal Data Held
Personal data by definition represents any data relating directly or indirectly to a living individual (data subject), from which it is practicable to ascertain the identity of the individual and which are in a form in which access or processing is practicable. There are several broad categories of personal data held in the Organisation. They are personal data contained in:
a. Donor and donation records, which include information supplied by donors such as personal details, bank/ credit card information, etc.
b. Human Resources records, which include personal details, job particulars, details of salary, payments, benefits, performance appraisals, disciplinary matters, etc. of applicants or staff in the Organisation.
c. Volunteer or supporter records, which include personal details provided by data subject who participates in agriculture, medicine, education, and other related activities organised by the Organisation.
d. Other records are kept for various purposes related to the operation functions of the Organisation.
Main Purposes of Keeping Personal Data
a. Donor and donation records are kept and used for processing donation administration, such as issue of acknowledgement, receipts, payment collection notices, donation records, etc.;
b. Human Resources records are kept and used for employment and human resources management purposes such as recruitment, provision of compensation and benefits, performance management, discipline, etc.
c. Volunteer or supporter records are kept and used for organising events, educational activities or other related activities.
d. For the above and other records, personal data will also be kept and used for the following purposes:
- Provide communication and educational materials related to the work of the Organisation such as announcements, brochure, newsletter, periodicals etc.;
- Prepare statistics or carry out research;
- Comply with any statutory requirement or law that binds the Organisation;
- Other purposes directly related to the operational functions of the Organisation. These purposes include administration of the office functions and activities, seeking advice on policy or operational matters, acquisition of services, handling of inquiries from the public, etc.
Different types of personal data are collected and maintained by the Organisation for the respective purposes stated above. Use of them should be restricted to the designated purposes only.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
If the Organisation make any changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post those on the website. You should check our Privacy Policy periodically to ensure that you are aware of our latest update.
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