1. The Yunnan Chief Representative Office has seven workers, including three local staff. A couple of the four long-termers are either close to retirement age or lack good health. May the Lord bring younger long-termers to join the team.
2. Pray that businesses in Kunming will be willing to hire workers who are mentally challenged yet are also accompanied by an employment counsellor.
3. We are thankful that the projects in Kunming have gone well. For 2024, please remember the future direction of collaborations with the children’s rehabilitation centre and the nursing home. In Yiliang County, we need suitable partners for the school assistance programme. Pray too for the special needs students in the career redevelopment programme as their internships begin in the second half of 2023.
4. So far in 2023, both Jianshui’s Rehabilitation Programme and its Hospice Care Project have not gone well, especially regarding arranging external training for the county hospital’s therapists. In 2024, there will be a one-week hospital visit for two county therapists. After that visit, may the Lord provide a suitable rehabilitation hospital willing to offer learning opportunities for one to three months, where the two therapists can further their studies.