By Sam H
One of our mutual understandings before marriage was to have three children, but it was not something we took for granted. Now, we have three healthy and lively children, all because of God’s protection and guidance. As parents of three children, we hope that they will become disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that God will protect them as they grow, and that they will develop healthily in all areas.
We have met a lot of friends in Zhaojue, resulting from the hard work of past short and long-term field workers, as well as everyone’s service and prayers. But many friends still have not received God’s love and do not know their purpose in life. They face the challenges of marriage, family and work, tossed about by the difficulties of life. Possibly because I am now a father, I feel sad when I see so many spiritual orphans, just like sheep without a shepherd. Truly the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. So, we continuously ask the Lord to send more workers. On the other hand, since there have been co-workers who have labored in the past, I feel there will be others who will sow and water to help them grow, so that they can also spur others to grow in the future.
Looking back, there were times when dark clouds over shadowed me and tempestuous waves washed over me. Yet the Lord is still seated on His throne. Although we are faithless, He remains faithful. Praise the Lord, He is faithful and trustworthy. With boundless gratitude, we thank Him that in the last ten years, he has never failed to protect and guide us.

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